What happens to redeemed voucher codes in case of partial returns?
If you return only a part of your order the voucher remains redeemed for the remaining products. Because the voucher is proratet on all items of the order you get your money back for the returned products less the voucher share.
1. Inform us about your return.
2. Please contact our service team in the UK:
Via phone: +44 (0) 1905 729610 (Mo.-Fr. 9 am to 5 pm)
By e-mail:
3. In consultation with you our service team will organize the return shipment.
4. Package the items carefully as described below.
5. Remove old addresses or barcodes on the package.
Return of products with non-replaceable rechargeable battery/non-replaceable battery
Please return undamaged products that have non-replaceable lithium-ion batteries to us in the original box. When returning larger quantities (3 or more boxes each containing 2 lithium-ion batteries), hazardous goods labels are required.
If the product is damaged, please contact us first and only return the damaged product following consultation.